Monday, October 13, 2008

Convention: What to Pack and What to Wear!!

I’ve received a few emails asking questions about what to wear and what to pack! So – here’s what I suggest:

1) “Packing LIGHT is RIGHT!” With all of the new airline luggage restrictions, pack as light as you can. Here’s a link to an article in one of my favorite magazines, Real Simple, which includes some packing tips for you:,21863,1709811,00.html

2) COMFORTABLE SHOES! You’ll be doing a lot of walking between the Marriott and the Convention Center. And, though the walkways are carpeted – it’s still important that you bring comfortable shoes to wear!!!

3) There are three events that I want to MAKE SURE you’re aware of so that – if you’d like to – you can dress appropriately:
a. Thursday evening, November 6: KinderDisco begins at 10:00pm. If you happen to have some 70’s apparel that you’re hoping to wear “one day,” this might be just the RIGHT time to put it on! Feel free to wear your favorite Saturday Night Fever “outfit” and plan to “get down and boogie” at the KinderDisco event that takes place immediately following the Skip Ewing concert. Be sure to stop by the Convention Store on Thursday evening as well where you may find Kindermusik employee owners dressed and ready to rock while you shop!
b. Friday evening, November 7: Sing and Dance Together – this is a strictly casual event. Dress as casual as you’d like for this event – wearing comfortable shoes – as you may want to get up and dance during this fundraising event for the Ruth D. Anderson Kindermusik Children’s Fund! We will, indeed, be singing and dancing together – and there will also be an auction with loads of items just waiting for your bid!
c. Saturday evening, November 8: On Saturday evening, you are invited to attend the final banquet dinner (must purchase ticket to attend) followed by the recognition event (open to all). We suggest semi-formal attire for this event. Semi-formal in MY dictionary means anything from Sunday-go-to-church-attire to sequins. This is completely up to you – you’ll find everything from pantsuits to dresses to cocktail attire.

4) Oh – and just a reminder – be sure to pack an extra bag for your convention store purchases! There will be CONVENTION-ONLY specials available to convention attendees of which you’ll want to take advantage! We will ship your purchases to you if you prefer (but shipping will be added to the total).

Feel free to email me with other ideas for blog postings! As we get closer to convention, I’m sure there will be loads of questions that need to be asked – and answered!

Until then,

“Convention Connie”


Anonymous said...

I always bring a sweater or shawl. The meeting rooms are always so chilly. Also, a few tea bags, a mug, and breakfast bars are nice in the mornings. I love Odwalla bars.

Michelle Jacques said...

For the budget conscious, here's a great idea I learned from a convention roomie of mine a couple years ago, which expands on Heidi's suggestion, above...

Share the cost of renting a mini-fridge for your hotel room if the room doesn't come with one. Then when you first get to Raleigh, plan a grocery run and pick up stuff for your breakfasts and lunches. Bring along a bunch of napkins, some paper plates, a cutting knife for fruit & veggies, salt, pepper and any other condiments you only need a small quantity of, plastic cutlery, a small cutting board, and whatever else you anticipate you'll need.

The cost of the fridge (if you have to rent one) and the cab ride to and from the grocery store (if there isn't one within walking distance), are well worth the money you'll save rather than eating every breakfast and lunch in a restaurant during the convention.

And, it's fun to get a whole group together in your room to share lunch items -- sort of "convention potluck"!